



来源:www.wlnjsb.com 发布日期:[2017-06-29] 浏览:963次|


  We are most important when wine brewing equipment is the home for food selection, the wine food must pass strict screening, moldy food can not be used, if you want to taste the different flavors of wine can also add different fruits in brewing. What other steps do we have to master?


  1, food pretreatment: if it is grain, then the first thing is to soak the grain for about 24 hours, so that the food can absorb enough moisture, and then the food is cooked or steamed. It is not important to make food mature. What is important is that the food must be thoroughly cured whether it is boiled or steamed. If it is fruit, it is to wash the fruit, peeled, and then mash into pulp. The fruit is not cooked or steamed, are special fruit peel to soak with warm water to remove the astringency, such as persimmon, soaking time to remove astringency is probably about 24 hours.


  2, under the song: under the song means according to a certain proportion in grain distiller's yeast mixing on the market, koji is usually 5/1000 to 10/1000 or so, we operate the wine yeast source dosage is 6/1000. That is 100 Jin steamed or cooked food in accordance with the 6 two proportional plus starter. If the fruit is brewing, koji directly join in fruit slurry. Under the temperature of the starter is also very important, different temperature range to adapt to the different common yeast, is 26 to 35 degrees.


  3, the addition of yeast fermentation: after mixing evenly, will have mix distiller's yeast food or fruit slurry into the container, and then sealed with plastic paper or plastic wrap, cover. In the whole operation, the bacteria should be prevented from entering, and the containers should be sterilized by boiling water. Fermentation time is controlled in grain, wine, 10 days or so, fruit wine around 5 days.


  4, distillation distilled liquor in some places called roast wine or liquor, the name is different, then this does not enumerate. Food or fruit in a container, after a period of fermentation, produces a very strong wine flavor that can be distilled. The use of heating equipment, electricity, gas, coal can be used as a heating fuel, try to choose safe, convenient and environmentally friendly way of heating. It takes about 2-3 hours to distill a pot.


  5, wine: after distillation for a period of time, you can see the pure wine from the cooler out of the wine port, and wine containers can be used barrels or wine cans, etc., can be used before disinfection.


编辑:蒙阴五粮酿酒设备 文章标题:你知道用白酒酿酒设备酿制白酒的操作步骤吗?