In terms of the traditional wine customers a little pot liquor, flavor paste pot is not only not a problem brewing liquor in raw material, the opposite may become a selling point, because it is silent to customers that the sale is pure grain liquor. But for the obvious taste, the taste of wine has been affected by the taste of wine, how should we deal with it? Do not worry, today brewing equipment for raw rice to solve this problem for everyone.
The reason for the brewing of the wine in the raw wine is two:
First, fermentation is not sufficient, the solution is to replace the starter fermentation is not sufficient, it can not only solve the problem of the paste pot, it is important to improve the yield of liquor and liquor yield.
Two, the use of steaming wine equipment department has automatic anti paste pot function. Another reason for recommending this equipment is that it is a national patented equipment, which belongs to energy-saving equipment, which can save fuel for customers and greatly reduce costs.
Only from this fundamental reason to solve the problem, is the solution to the liquor brewing liquor paste pot flavor focus. If only the treatment of the table is not a permanent cure, every time the pot is finished, the problem is solved, not only delay time, delay business, but also virtually reduce the customer's economic income.
编辑:蒙阴五粮酿酒设备 文章标题:生料酿酒白酒中有少许的糊锅味怎么办?