Liquor in liquor, brewing equipment, brewing process, with the development of low alcohol wine, the problems also increased, especially the white wine appeared in a variety of turbidity and precipitation phenomenon, we should pay attention to. Now, according to the various phenomena encountered in the production process, the reasons for turbidity and sedimentation of liquor are summarized as follows:
一、浑浊、沉淀原因 二、解决措施
one. turbidity and sedimentation two. Solutions
1、勾兑过程中用水硬度过大 ; 1、使用加浆用水时要进行软化、过滤,使水的硬度降下来;
2、酒基含高级醇和高级脂肪酸酯类过多; 2、用于勾兑的酒基要进行降度处理;
3、水中的腐殖质带来的沉淀; 3、不使用铁罐和铝罐,输送管道改用耐腐蚀的不锈钢材质;
4、设备引起的沉淀; 4、对酒进行调味调香时使用符合国标的香精香料;
5、调香调味物质(香料)不纯造成沉淀; 5、注意使用水源的卫生条件,对不卫生水源应加以处理;
6、由灌装过程造成; 6、灌装时精心操作、注意每一环节。
编辑:蒙阴五粮酿酒设备 文章标题:白酒浑浊、沉淀的原因及解决方法