With the development and popularization of brewing technology, now brewed wine does not need to go through the process of complex and time-consuming. But with the progress of technology, equipment performance is better, but in the brewing process, there are a number of factors will affect the yield of liquor, so today by the liquor brewing equipment to our analysis of what factors influence the wine wine rate?
1, yeast strain activity: it can be said to be one of the most important factors of the wine, wine yeast strains not only good wine has good taste, mellow flavor, and strong ability of fermentation fermentation speed, suitable temperature range, wine quality and liquor yield were greatly increase in the same condition. Distiller's yeast is so important, which is why there are many scientific research institutions to study and cultivation.
2. PH (PH) and temperature during fermentation: as you may all know, brewing is a chemical reaction, that is, starch is hydrolyzed by yeast to produce water, ethanol, and carbon dioxide. While any chemical reaction has an optimum temperature and pH in the optimum range of microorganisms such as yeast and yeast is the most active reaction. Keeping the optimum temperature and pH during fermentation can not only speed up the liquor production, but also increase the liquor production rate to a great extent. The pH value of acid fermentation is the best, beyond this yeast yeast activity reduced until the loss of activity. The same is true for the temperature range, which cannot exceed the maximum temperature, otherwise, irreversible inactivation occurs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
3, in the fermentation process of brewery yeast in the home not only to wine, will also produce incense, then as long as the good control of fermentation conditions, can make the aroma and the liquor liquor do achieve equilibrium, mellow taste, refreshing elegant and pleasant fragrance not hanging throat.
To sum up, the yield of various food and wine production rates is greatly related to the pH value, temperature, and oxygen content of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during fermentation. Control these conditions, you can use domestic brewing equipment to produce high-quality drinks, improve economic efficiency.
编辑:蒙阴五粮酿酒设备 文章标题:影响白酒酿酒设备出酒率的因素有哪些?